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作者:优德88    日期:2024-09-21    阅读( )
本文摘要:SYDNEY (Reuters) - Scientists say they have discovered a black hole so big that it challenges the theory about how they grow.悉尼(路透社)——科学家们说道,他们找到了一个十分极大的黑洞,以至于挑战了原有的快速增长理论。

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Scientists say they have discovered a black hole so big that it challenges the theory about how they grow.悉尼(路透社)——科学家们说道,他们找到了一个十分极大的黑洞,以至于挑战了原有的快速增长理论。But with measurements indicating it is 12 billion times the size of the Sun, the black hole challenges a widely accepted hypothesis of growth rates.但是,测量数据指出,它的体积相等于120亿个太阳,这个黑洞挑战了已被拒绝接受的黑洞快速增长假说。Based on previous research, this is the largest black hole found for that period of time, Dr Fuyan Bian, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University (ANU), told Reuters on Wednesday.澳大利亚国家大学天文学与天体物理学研究员边富阳博士说道,基于先前的研究,这是在那个时间点找到的仅次于的黑洞,Current theory is for a limit to how fast a black hole can grow, but this black hole is too large for that theory.依据当前的理论,黑洞的增长速度是有无限大的,但是,这个黑洞过于大了,以致打破了这个无限大。

The creation of supermassive black holes remains an open topic of research. However, many scientists have long believed the growth rate of black holes was limited.这个特大黑洞的找到在科研界获得持续的注目。然而,很多科学家仍然坚信黑洞增长速度不存在无限大。Black holes grow, scientific theory suggests, as they absorb mass. However, as mass is absorbed, it will be heated creating radiation pressure, which pushes the mass away from the black hole.黑洞不会快速增长,科学理论指出,是来自于他更有物质的能力。然而,物质被吸取,不会造成高温,产生电磁辐射流体,反而造成物质靠近黑洞。

Basically, you have two forces balanced together which sets up a limit for growth, which is much smaller than what we found, said Bian.基本上,由于引力作用力最后均衡,从而使体积快速增长不存在下限,这个下限比我们找到的这个黑洞要大得多。The black hole was discovered a team of global scientists led by Xue-Bing Wu at Peking University, China, as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which provided imagery data of 35 percent of the northern hemisphere sky.这个黑洞是被北京大学吴学兵所领导的国际科研团队找到的,这个团队是史隆数位巡天计划的一部分,这个计划获取了整个北星空35%的影像数据。The ANU is leading a comparable project, known as SkyMapper, to carry out observations of the Southern Hemisphere sky.澳大利亚国立大学也在主导一个类似于的工程,叫作SkyMapper,制作整个南星空的影像数据。

Bian expects more black holes to be observed as the project advances.边博士期望在这个工程中不会找到更加多黑洞。



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