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作者:优德88    日期:2024-10-12    阅读( )
本文摘要:Huawei has unveiled an Android smartphone that uses dual-camera technology to let owners refocus photos after they have been taken. The feature is the result of a collaboration between the Chinese tech firm and German camera-maker Leica.近日,华为发售了一款近期安卓智能手机,该机型用于双摄像头技术,让用户照片后可以新的对焦照片。

Huawei has unveiled an Android smartphone that uses dual-camera technology to let owners refocus photos after they have been taken. The feature is the result of a collaboration between the Chinese tech firm and German camera-maker Leica.近日,华为发售了一款近期安卓智能手机,该机型用于双摄像头技术,让用户照片后可以新的对焦照片。该功能是这家中国科技巨头与德国照相机制造商徕卡合作发售的。It means the P9 can create shallow depth-of-field shots more commonly associated with larger lenses.这意味著华为P9这款手机可以构建一般来说只有大镜头才能做的浅景深效果。The camera is one of the things that defines a premium smartphone, and theres still plenty of room to improve the quality of the photography, commented Ian Fogg from the IHS Technology consultancy. And there are things you can do when you put two camera sensors on the back that you cant do with a single sensor.IHS技术咨询公司的伊恩·福克评论道:“摄像头是定义高级智能手机的参照条件之一,目前为止摄制质量依然有许多可以提升的空间。

背面两个摄像头传感器能做的事情是只有一个传感器做到将近的。”One captures red, green and blue (RGB) information about the view, while the other is limited to collecting monochrome image data.华为P9的其中一个摄像头负责管理捕猎白、蓝和蓝(RGB)的信息,而另一个只负责管理单色图像数据的收集。By making use of both types, the firm says, the phone can deliver better contrast and offer superior performance in low-light conditions.华为公司回应,通过用于这两种类型的数据,手机可以获取更佳的对比度,并在低光条件下获取卓越的性能。

One industry-watcher said that the tie-up with Leica should encourage potential buyers not to dismiss Huaweis dual-camera facility as being a gimmick.一位业内观察家回应,与徕卡合作的噱头应当能希望潜在买家,让其会错失华为的这款双摄像头设备。Leica is one of the strongest brands in photography, so having an association with them should make users believe that the quality of the pictures should be good, said Francisco Jeronimo, research director for European mobile devices at IDC.IDC的欧洲移动设备研究总监弗朗西斯科·杰罗尼莫说:“徕卡是摄影界最强劲的品牌之一,因此与他们合作不会让用户坚信照片的质量应当是极佳的,”However, Mr Fogg added that Huawei would need to get its marketing right to make the most of the partnership.但是,伊恩·福克先生补足说,华为必须通过有效地的营销使这次合作的利益最大化。Leica isnt massively well known outside of serious camera enthusiasts, he explained. So, Huaweis challenge is how to communicate the benefit of the Leica brand to the general public as it is pushing the P9 as a mass-market flagship and not a niche device aimed at just the camera-centric few.“徕卡在铁杆照相机爱好者群体之外并不是很出名,”他说明说道。“所以,华为面对的挑战是如何向公众表达徕卡品牌的利益,因为它是要向大众市场推广P9,而不是寥寥几个热衷照相机的人而已。



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