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作者:优德88    日期:2024-08-30    阅读( )
本文摘要:Microsoft supremo Bill Gates wants to fit school students with mood bracelets to measure how interested they are in their lessons.微软公司创始人比尔-盖茨于是以研制一款限于于学生的“情绪手镯”,来检测他们对放学内容有多感兴趣。

Microsoft supremo Bill Gates wants to fit school students with mood bracelets to measure how interested they are in their lessons.微软公司创始人比尔-盖茨于是以研制一款限于于学生的“情绪手镯”,来检测他们对放学内容有多感兴趣。The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is spending $1.1 million (700,000) testing galvanic skin response bracelets to see if they can measure whether students find their teachers engaging.比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会将花费110万美元(合70万英镑)测试皮肤电反应手镯,看其否需要取决于出有学生对教学内容的兴趣。The move is part of the billionaires mission to evaluate and improve the quality of teachers, which has already included controversial initiatives such as fitting classrooms with video cameras.这是盖茨评估并改良教师素质的项目的一部分,该项目还包括一些具备争议的措施,比如在课堂里加装摄像机。

The bracelets measure how well the skin conducts electricity, which varies with its moisture level.这种手镯可以测试出有皮肤导电的能力,而这种导电能力在有所不同湿度持续性有变化。Sweat glands are controlled by the nervous system so skin conductance can be used as an indication of emotional response.人体的汗腺是不受神经系统掌控的,因此可以用皮肤电传导来取决于情绪对系统。

Some US teachers and commentators have been less than impressed with the plan.美国一些教师和评论员则对这项研究计划持有异议。Why would anybody spent money on this when some school systems cant afford to pay their electric bills? Education blogger Valerie Strauss wrote in the Washington Post.教育博客博主瓦莱丽-施特劳斯在《华盛顿邮报》的一篇文章中写到:“有些学校连电费都付不起,为什么还有人会花钱研究这个?”The obsession with measurement in data and school reform has reached nutty new heights.“对于用数据展开取决于和学校改革的着迷早已超过了疯狂的新高度。”Teacher Anthony Cody, writing in Education Week, commented: The wonderful thing about having human beings as teachers is that we are naturally empathetic. We do not need galvanic skin sensors to detect when our students are drowsy or disinterested we can look around the room in an instant and know!教师安东尼-科迪在《每周教育》中评论到:“人为教学的益处就在于我们当然都是感性的。

我们不必须皮肤电流传感器来检测学生什么时候昏昏欲睡,什么时候不感兴趣。我们环顾一下教室就告诉了!”Others have pointed out limitations with the bracelets, including that they are not able to tell whether a student was responding to their teacher or something a friend whispers in their ear.还有些人认为了这种手镯的局限性,比如通过手镯无法获知学生的对系统是针对老师的教学内容,还是好友的窃窃私语。The bracelets are also so far unable to distinguish whether a heightened response is due to excitement or anxiety, and whether a drop in response is due to relaxation or boredom.目前,这款手镯无法区分出有对系统效果强化是出于学生的激动还是情绪,也无法辨别出有对系统程度的减少是出于学生的放开还是厌烦。

The amount Bill Gates has spent on evaluating the bracelets is already more than $1.1 million.比尔-盖茨用作评估这款手镯的经费早已多达110万美元。Clemson University has been given almost $500,000 (320,000) to run a pilot study which will determine the feasibility and utility of using such devices regularly in schools with students and teachers.克莱蒙森大学已拒绝接受约50万美元投资(合32万英镑),用作积极开展一项可行性研究,这项研究“将要求在学校和老师中间定期用于这种手镯的可行性和实用性。

”The National Center on Time and Learning was given more than $620,000 ($400,000) to assess the effectiveness of the bracelets by comparing them with MRI scans, and work out a scale that would pinpoint how engaged a student was in lessons.美国时间与自学中心已拒绝接受了多达62万美元(合40万英镑)资金,与核磁共振光学展开较为,用来评估手镯的效用,并制订出有评价学生在课上用心程度的等级标准。



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