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作者:优德88    日期:2024-09-14    阅读( )
本文摘要:The television of the future could be a see-through panel which vanishes when you turn it off - carrying on the current trend for ever-thinner and more unobtrusive sets, The Daily Mail reported.未来的电视机将沿袭当下“更加厚更加高调”的风格,关机后不会消失沦为一个透明板。

The television of the future could be a see-through panel which vanishes when you turn it off - carrying on the current trend for ever-thinner and more unobtrusive sets, The Daily Mail reported.未来的电视机将沿袭当下“更加厚更加高调”的风格,关机后不会消失沦为一个透明板。The technology - TOLED - actually exists, although its still fairly crude, and producing panels of this size is not currently possible.据英国《每日邮报》报导,这种半透明有机闪烁显示屏技术虽然早已不存在,但还很不成熟期,并且生产那么大的透明板也还不太可能。

A Loewe television using a TOLED screen, designed by Michael Friebe, was shortlisted in the 2011 iF Concept Design competition. 据理解,迈克尔弗莱比就曾利用该技术设计了一台Loewe电视机,并获奖了2011年 iF概念设计大赛。



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